12 August 2009

friends are friends forever

so i had been praying for months and months about when i could be able to talk to nebat just as a friend. or when i could even just be there without her being sent of to the other room or to do chores.
i got a chance, but didn't realize it until i had missed it, i felt so sad over it. and renewed my prayer efforts for more chances.
then a week or two later it came.
nebat did henna tattoos and colored my hair. we were together, with salija, but without sejdo, for nearly 7 hours straight.
nothing major or spiritual was discussed, but the wall separating guest from servant was crumbled and on the other side we both found a friend.
the other day i went over to welcome back salija and sejdo from their trip to serbia. but they had not yet returned, so i sat and had coffee and pancakes with just nebat. just the two of us.
it was sweet.
now i feel like our relationship in entering a stage of comfort and more familiarity.
while this is most awesome - it also comes with the caveat that familiarity can sometimes muttle the sense of urgency to share Christ.

i pray it isn't so.

Nebat's brother in law (her husbands younger brother, salija's youngest son) has accepted Christ this week!!!
praises abound from my heartspring.
he is the one that was saying he could not be a christian because he cannot read.
oh praise God that the lie of needing to be literate to believe was exposed and overcome.
in christ.

now the prayer is that he will fall in love with Christ daily and hear from him, even though He won't be able to read the Word for himself (yet).
and for a man of God to come alongside him and his father to teach them in love how to live according to God's will.
and that nebat will see a transforming work in these men and will not be able to hold in questions and will start to search for the answer. and when we seek - we will find....
for open doors to talk with my new FRIEND about the love of my life.